Advertising for 13 million yen – but what does it mean?

My internet was down for most of the day yesterday so the commotion this caused almost slipped past me. Yesterday, November 5th, a huge wall ad of Tiger & Bunny appeared on Shibuya’s landmark building, Shibuya 109. What’s remarkable about the ad isn’t that Blue Rose isn’t getting a bigger spotlight than she should anymore, but that it costs 13 million yen + tax for two weeks. The series is over, and although it’s currently on rerun on several channels, an advertisement like this is a bit too expensive to promote a rerun. The advertisement will stay in place until November 19th, so this might be a sign that whatever they are planning to announce at Hero Awards on November 13th is something big.

Something big, but what? We were expecting a continuation announcement already by final episode. Instead they announced NEXT Project – which by the way is a pretty brilliant way to keep up the hype while the continuation is planned, and whoever is handling the marketing for Tiger & Bunny at the moment is doing a pretty good job. They could be planning a movie, or a second season, or OVAS… Though if I had to bet, I’d put my money on NEXT Project Stage 2 – whatever it is – because I don’t think they are ready to put a S2 into production yet. I could be wrong though, but I remember Ozaki talking about “three steps” in NEXT Project somewhere – I just can’t find the quote for it right now, it could have been in some of the Japanese webcasts he’s appeared in.

By the way, the second set of official books (Official Hero Book 2 and Hero TV Fan vol.2) got pushed back three weeks from October 25th to November 16th. They’ll come out after Hero Awards 2011 event, possibly so they could include some promotion for what they’re announcing there. Even if we don’t get a confirmed continuation to the series yet, if they play their cards well they can keep us interested in Tiger & Bunny for a long time. After all, Hero Awards 2011 sold out in minutes and the live viewing event for it had even more theaters added recently.

We want more and Bandai wants our cash, so they’ll give us more… eventually.

7 comments on “Advertising for 13 million yen – but what does it mean?

  1. Ahh this huge ad is just making me even more anxious to find out what the ‘next project’ is going to be. I’m really hoping for a second season, but if they do something like a movie or OVA, and then do a second season later on I’d love that too. Maybe it will be… “Tiger & Bunny: the Musical!”. I’m not sure how I would feel about that being their big announcement though… XD

    I wonder what was in those bags they gave out. Whatever it is, I want one.

  2. All I know it that, at the NYCC T&B panel, Ozaki-san mentioned that there *may* be footage shown at the Hero Awards event. So, who knows what could be announced, though it would make sense that it would be for some type of continuation. Seeing that ad makes me wish that I was back in Japan! T-T

  3. My bet is on a movie + S2 + OVAs later, although they could choose to exchange the movie for the OVAs. They can´t make a S2 right away, and they´d spending too much money on a crisis time promoting something small. So, yes, BIG is the word here.
    You don´t advertise small stuff on the world´s crowdest crossing, right?

  4. location, location, location – definitely something big in the works, and not just the 11/13 event.

    it might be too soon for an S2 announcement to come out, what with timing, but then with the popularity of this show, it would be shocking if they didn’t continue it. so maybe OVAs to tide us over until S2. either way, they’re going to milk this cash cow for all it’s worth – not that i’m complaining.

  5. WOW. I was wondering about seeing the picture everywhere, but it cost that much? -whistles-

    Also, I stared at this for like, five minutes ’till I finally figured out what it was and then I LAUGHED.

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